How to Burn a DVD Video Disk

Step 1: Convert  Media file  to DVD with Super DVD Creator.

Step 2: Create *.VOB, *.IFO with IfoEdit  ( IfoEdit.exe is a freeware )

Step 3:   How to burn DVD into a DVD-R / DVD+R / DVD-RW / DVD+RW 

Step 1: Convert Media file to DVD media file with Super DVD Creator

Tools required: Latest Super DVD Creator 

Launch Super DVD Creator , you will see the UI below.










1. Click "Open " button to open your source  file (Avi ,Mpg,Divx,Xvid,ASF,WMV,MOV,RM,RMVB ) .
2  Click "Target" button to save the output file to your hard disk. and click "OK" button .
3. then the "output settings" window 
will pop up automatically.

   At this step ,you must choose the  "DVD" format .   then click the OK button.

4. then the program return to the main window. at this step please click "Run" button to start DVD conversion .  please wait for the end.



a. Three kinds of files are created by Super DVD Creator  . ("*.mpg" is a mpeg file in DVD specification, it  contains Video and Audio; "*.m2v" is a MPEG2 video file, it only contains video; "*.m2a" is a audio file in Mpeg1 Layer 2 format, it only contains audio.)
b. The .m2v and .m2a file will be used in the following step.


Step 2: Create *.VOB, *.IFO  ,DVD Disk Image  with IfoEdit (IfoEdit is a freeware)

Tools required:
IfoEdit 0.96 or later, get it here.

Launch IfoEdit 0.96 (0.96 for example), you will see the UI below.

1. Click "DVD Author/Author New DVD".

After click "Author New DVD", you will see the UI below

2. Click the button to open your Video file, which has been created by Super DVD Creator  *.m2v  file.

3. Click the button to open your Audio file, which has been created by Super DVD Creator  *.m2a  file.
4. Select a destination, any drive root with the folder name "VIDEO_TS". Be sure that you have enough hard disk space, if your mpeg and audio files are 4.37 GB it requires same free space. The folder name "VIDEO_TS" must be capital letters.
5. Click "OK" button, Ifoedit will start generating the DVD structure(vob and ifo files), it will take some time if you are creating a full DVD.

6. Click "Disk Image" in the IfoEdit.exe  main window  , and save the  Disk Image file to your hard disk.


 the Img file will be used in the following step 

Step 3 :How to Burn DVD Vido Disk  onto a  DVD-R/DVD+R/DVD-RW/DVD+RW With Super DVD Creator
When the Super DVD Creator finished the conversion of DVD . the DVD Burner window will pop up automatically.

First : please insert a DVD write able disk to your DVD Writer Rom.( not the CD Disk) .

1.  choose your DVD Writer in the drop down box .

2.  Choose the max write speed.

3. click the "Open Source Img File" to open the *.Img file (we created with the IfoEdit.exe)

4. click the "Burn DVD Video Disk Now" to start Burn .

Note :  the burn task will take some time if you are creating a full DVD.

                  do not terminate the burn when it burn the "LEADOUT TRACK ".  

                 after the task finished . the sotware will  tell you,and eject your DVD Disk 


VCD specification DVD specification SVCD specification
Horzontal width: 352
Vertical height: 240
Frames per second: 29.97
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits

Horzontal width: 352
Vertical height: 288
Frames per second: 25
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits
Horzontal width: 720
Vertical height: 480
Frames per second: 29.97
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits

Horzontal width: 720
Vertical height: 576
Frames per second: 25
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits
Horzontal width: 480
Vertical height: 480
Frames per second: 29.97
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits

Horzontal width: 480
Vertical height: 576
Frames per second: 25
Colour depth: 24 or 32 bits


BTW  : How to burn DVD onto a DVD-R / DVD+R / DVD-RW / DVD+RW with Nero 5.5+

Tools required:
Nero 5.5 or later, get the demo here.

Launch Nero. Please click "Close Wizard" button, you will see the UI below.

1. Select DVD
2. Select "DVD-Video" icon
3. Click "New" button.

After you click "New" button, you will see the UI below.

4.  In "File Browser" window, open your "VIDEO_TS" folder and select all the files in it.
5.  Drag them(see picture below) into "DVDVideo1_DVD" window. Drop all the files into "VIDEO_TS" folder
6. Select File->Write CD or click "Open the write cd dialog..." button at "6".

After you click "Write CD", you will see the UI below.

6. Mark the check box of "Write".
7. Select Write speed, lower may work better if you get problem on playing the DVD.
8. Click "Write" button.



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